The essential need to explore the next horizon abounds in a galaxy filled with infinite life and opportunity. Legends of great adventures inspire new generations of sailors and shipbuilders to leave home and strike out into the unknown. In that quiet darkness between the stars, one legend, the story of Arkanos, grew from an inspirational tale to the heart of a religious movement. The self-proclaimed Arkanoans began as simple pilgrims forging vessels that could lead them to a promised land. Today, the skilled Shipwrights construct the greatest interstellar spacecraft in the known galaxy.
When Unity began their climb to prominence, one of their first decrees was to declare an injunction against the Arkanoan Shipwrights. The Unity hoped that outlawing their religion would help them seize the secrets of their famed shipyards. Instead, the Arkanoans unfurled their piezoelectric sails and soared for the horizon of Andromeda’s Edge. The Shipwrights hoped to establish new facilities and developments before continuing their timeless search for the distant home first prophesied by Arkanos.
Puzzle 06
The Shipwrights gather legends about the most famous starships from history to design their schematics. What do they call their greatest shipbuilding facility?