The aftermath of the brutal Pulse War left countless derelict ships floating through the void of space, their people dead and their planets scorched beyond restoration. Refugees looking for a new life sent a signal across the galaxy, calling anyone with a working fusion drive to join them on a journey to the unknown. This desperate band soared towards Andromeda’s Edge, scavenging fuel and food along the way, all in the name of hope and the chance for peace.
With their ramshackle technology and ships in dire need of repair, the Pulsewar Refugees were the first to feel the eyes of someone or something living beyond the edges of the galaxy. Whatever hides in the Nebula had little fear of these refugees and flew close enough for even visual sensors to see immense battlecruisers with entirely unfamiliar architecture and weaponry. The refugee fleet instantly retreated and sent tactical images of the raiders to every ship in the Edge. With more powerful Factions ready to face the raiders, the Pulsewar Refugees hope to build a new home before they are dragged into another war.